
Why we’re angry about everything 😡
When your opinions become your identity, it’s unthinkable to abandon your beliefs in the face of new information. Instead, we defend our ideas, deny our critics and celebrate their downfall.

6 questions to ask before you quit🚪
Quitting is a normal part of being alive, not a forbidden part of being employed. Would you reapply for the job you have now?

Your people make you a leader 🧲
Management matters. But successful teams need more than competent managers, they require courageous leaders. What do courageous leaders do?

Who are you performing for? 🎭
A “perceptionist” chases the perception of perfection. We please and perform to be accepted by others while comparing ourselves to an imaginary standard that doesn’t exist.

How white is your world? 🏳
Racism no longer requires racists. America doesn’t care about Black people because most white Americans don’t know a Black person.

You need more than your "Why" 🔐
Knowing your purpose is not the same as having a plan. If you’re like me, a clearly defined “Why” still seems fuzzy. But there’s something just as valuable as knowing your Why.

Did you pick the right fight? 🥊
Courage is a contract with your future self. A decision to pay the price for picking the right fight before you know the cost.

What’s your #1 priority? 🏆
I’ve read almost 500 books. When Work & Family Collide is the only one that presents an actual strategy for establishing priorities and protecting boundaries without sacrificing results.

How will you measure your life? 🎯
Your purpose is not singular or linear. Clayton Christensen proposed thinking about purpose as a strategy instead of a discrete, fixed point. “The danger for high-achieving people is that they'll unconsciously allocate their resources to activities that yield the most immediate, tangible accomplishments.”

Don’t believe your brain 🧠
All thoughts are not created equal. It’s time to question the true source of our expectations, obligations and comparison. “Thoughts are not truth until truth becomes thoughts.”

What’s left when things go wrong? 🌱
The thing about failure no one tells you is what to do the next day. I woke up the next morning knowing I was underwater without a way to get out. I can’t always choose my options but I always have a choice.

Where’s your wonder? 🌻
Each day is a miracle. Every person is a prodigy. The gift of life is not to outgrow our dependence but to choose on who we will depend.

You’re working against yourself 🧶
Leaders with traction move toward their goals. Distracted leaders move towards their to-do list. What are the things I’m doing (or not doing) that work against the change I want? Who is a distraction?

How to choose your regrets ⚖️
The aim of our work is not to avoid regrets, but rather, to select our regrets wisely. So what do courageous people do differently? They decide in advance what matters most, and protect it from their pride, their options and even themselves.

Are you the 1 missing piece? 🔩
Everyone has a calling but most of us stay trapped in a career. It’s easy to remember every piece of furniture has a purpose. It’s harder to realize every person has a plan.

The 4 Tensions of Time ⏳
Though time is temporary, what we do with it becomes permanent. Instead of fighting for balance, try aligning your time with what’s most important to you. This means building your own ladder by managing the 4 tensions of time all leaders will face.

🕷What are you (really) afraid of?
Letting go of the illusion of certainty is a very painful lesson but also an irreversible one. Once you really know the “Who”, your role is no longer controlling the “How.”

Don't trust yourself, test yourself
Many of the most powerful forces are invisible. My fears, motivations, biases and background can either be lift (thrusting me upward) or drag (pushing me downward).

What wisdom are you ignoring?
My sole qualification for writing about courage is the fact I spent years living without it. I got the rewards and recognition I thought would help me escape the poverty of my childhood, only to discover I had created a bigger cage called conformity.