
15 Signs of a Great Social Media Manager
From Fortune 500 corporations to mom & pop shops, community management is arguably the most pivotal function of any social media team. A brand is the sum of its parts and oftentimes the person behind the social channel becomes the eyes, ears, voice and face of your brand's online footprint.

How To Spot The Best and Worst Content Marketing Strategies
Asking a marketer to describe their brand’s content strategy is like asking my wife what she wants for dinner. You’ll hear 50 different answers that really only distill down to a handful of choices: FORMAT - “We use video, images and real-time engagement…”
5 Signs Your Brand is Abusing Social Media
Everything and everyone has a purpose, an intended reason for being created. Birds were born to fly. Fish were formed to swim. Social media was made to________. The word you used to fill in that blank reveals all you need to know about how successful social strategies will be at driving growth in your organization.