
How To Become A Token
The easiest way to tell the difference between a token and a treasure is not how they look but where they are used. Tokens always have conditional acceptance.

The Perception Trap
Perceptionists are preoccupied with earning acceptance through performance. What we do, and what people think about what we do, anchors who we are.

The Job Joy Scorecard
The only thing worse than turning down a job opportunity you should have accepted is accepting one you should have rejected. Trust me.
In the heat of the battle for better opportunities, my career instincts are to maximize the title, role, pay and situation for myself. Unfortunately, this means using the same persuasion tools that earned me the job offer to evaluate my job possibilities. Just when I need a coach I'm mentally stuck as a cheerleader, calling plays based on what I feel.

5 Career-Changing Books To Read At Your Own Risk
It's only been 2 weeks since my departure from the corporate grind but the countless questions I've received typically fall into 3 categories: Why? Why did you "really" leave your job, especially if you loved it so much? What? What are you going to do now? How? How did you decide to do it?

Career Poker: Knowing When To Cash In Your Chips
Perform a quick Google search for advice on exiting or entering a job and you'll find millions of articles dedicated to helping you make the critical hold 'em or fold 'em decision. Most of this guidance, however, provides a very reactive, even passive formula to decision making.

4 Things I Learned From A 26-Year-Old Marketing Director
Several years ago in New York City I met a young guy doing fairly big things. Only 5 years out of college, he had been handpicked to lead marketing, public relations and advertising for the retail division of Liz Claiborne, what was then a $4.8 billion Fortune 500 fashion manufacturer. He named his own salary and secured a semi-corner office in the Empire State Building.As Director of Marketing, his leadership peers were at least 10 years his senior and had spent several years in the fashion industry, a new vertical for the young up-and-comer.

3 Steps To Discovering Your Personal Brand
In its simplest form, your personal brand is the answer to this all-important question: what do people think about me?Or, stated a more complex way, what equity does my reputation have in the minds of those who matter?For most of us, our personal branding efforts consists primarily of doing a good job, working hard and treating people with respect. After all, this is what leads to promotions and positive job evaluations, right? Maybe, but why leave something so important as your reputation to chance?