Mobile and B2B Marketing: Do They Mix?

B2B and Mobile Marketing - Adrian ParkerThough overall mobile usage and adoption is skyrocketing, a recent survey by the Content Marketing Institute reveals the majority of B2B marketers didn't get the memo. Only 1/3 of B2B Marketers have mobile optimized content and less than 25% have mobile applications. The modern business decision maker is perpetually seeking information to inform her long, sometimes complex path to purchase. Mobile screens and connected experiences represent a potent opportunity to get right in front of her face, literally.Today I had the opportunity to present at the B2B Digital Edge Live Conference in San Francisco. I'm sharing a few concepts that inform why, how and where Intuit's Accounting Professionals Division is integrating mobile opportunities into their marketing mix.[slideshare id=17416831&doc=mobileandb2bmktgdotheymix-adrianparkerintuit-032013-130320121014-phpapp02]


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